You're an overwhelmed entrepreneur . . .

are you ready to actually enjoy life again?

When women come to me, they

seem to have their shit together

The reality is that they're . . .

Struggling with perfectionism

‣ give 110%, yet feel like they don't measure up

‣ Procrastinate & sabotage themselves

‣ Suffer from imposter syndrome

stuck in chronic self-sacrifice

‣ Do everything for everyone, except themselves

‣ Neglect themselves, no time to feel or relax

‣ Struggle to say no

lost in the hustle

‣ All work and no life

‣ Busy, not necessarily productive

‣ Stressed, tired, unable to relax

doubting themselves

‣ Not sure about the next steps

‣ Follow others instead of their intuition

‣Wonder about their purpose in life

"if you are ready to make positive changes ..." this is for you

"Laura is a genuine, passionate teacher... She was available to coach me as needed as I completed the homework and ventured out to test my new found freedoms. I highly recommend her services if you are ready to make positive changes in your life!" - M. S.

Feel the freedom that comes

from living life on your terms

What if right now you could:

‣ Feel more free and at ease

‣ Create time for you & what you love

‣ Make life, & your business, work for you!

That's what I help women create.

As a Clini-Coach, I help you ...

Figure out what's important

to you & act on it!

‣ Align through astrology

‣ Shed the shoulds and have-tos

‣ Prioritize your values and strengths

Learn how to say no

& be okay with it

‣ Learn embodied decision making

‣ Practice expressing clear boundaries

‣ Utilize grounding to regulate emotions

Discover how to use intuition

in work and life

‣ Use mindfulness to quiet the mind

‣ Make time to “be”, not “do”

‣ Learn how your intuition speaks to you

Carve out time for you

(even if there's "no time in the day")

‣ Ditch busy work and time drains

‣ Create sacred space every day

‣ Make time for relaxation, fun, hobbies, life!

Are you ready?

Here's how you can start living the life you want.

6 week coaching package

Our work together is tailored to YOUR current goal.

Package includes:

‣ Six 1:1 sessions over Zoom

‣ Foster change with action oriented homework

‣ Held accountable with weekly trackers

‣ Voxer access to me once/day, M-F

Bonus 1: Achieve your goal with astrology

Bonus 2: Center yourself with recorded meditations

Meet your new coach!

Hi, I'm Laura.

I spent most of my life trying to exceed expectations. Sure, I had success.

AND I suffered with …

Doubt. Overwhelming stress.

Perfectionism (that’s a bad thing, BTW).

Plus, a full schedule of busyness that left me drained and uninspired.

I started to peel away all the layers of “not me” and realized I wanted a different life. One where I could express my uniqueness, take time for myself, and explore what lights me up, while running a business.

Does any of this sound familiar? Is this YOU?

If you are ready to let go of everyone else’s expectations and start enjoying your life, book a no obligation Clarity Call with me!

"break the blocks, patterns and energy" that hold you back

"Laura Boyer is amazing...Everything she says rings true at a deep soul layer. Her homework helps break the blocks, patterns and energy that has held me back. I feel both grounded and free. Laura is a true gift and talent." - J. M.


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